Unreal FX

Unreal Day: FX and Epic Games invite you to an exclusive event.

We invite you to attend, hand in hand with EPIC GAMES, the upcoming Friday October 4th to a session dedicated to Unreal Engine, the most important video game engine in the international industry like Fortnite.

As an official school and Academic Partner of Unreal Engine, we will have the presence of Hernán Basso, Technical Director of Epic Games, and experts in the application of Unreal Engine in cinema and digital arts.

A day with industry professionals

Starting at 10am you can attend talks about the application of Unreal Engine in both cinema and digital arts. You will discover the power of this program and how it is revolutionizing the international industry by offering a tool ready to be implemented in all kinds of audiovisual productions.

We are honored to have the presence of Hernán Basso, Technical Director of Epic Games, who will give us a technical talk about Unreal and the possibilities of creating worlds with this engine.

We share with you the day's schedule and we look forward to seeing you! The event is open to the general public (limited capacity)


· 9:45AM Doors open and accreditation collection.

· 10AM Welcome. Fatima Vilà, CEO of Mediagrup FX and Toni Mena, Technical Director at FX Barcelona Film School.

· 10:10AM “Real-Time Rendering with Unreal for animation cinema”. Gerard Martínez. Teacher at FX Barcelona Film School.

· 10:45AM “Unreal for Cinema”. Francesc Bolló. VFX Supervisor at Señora X Productions.

· 11:20AM “Video Games Creation in Unreal with Houdini”. Florenci Magriñà, Video Games Area Coordinator at FX Barcelona Games School, and Aitor Rider, Technical 3D Environment Artist with extensive experience in creating environments for video games and real-time 3D visualization at companies like Cold Forged Games and Digital Legends Entertainment. Talk in English.

· 11:45AM Break

· 12PM “Epic Games: Building Worlds with Unreal Engine”. Hernan Basso, Technical Lead at Epic Games

· 1PM Snack + Lunch – Networking at “Cantina Cinema Paradiso” (Sponsored by Cervezas El Aguila)

Reserve your ticket here.